Equicom Personal Loan

With Equicom Savings Bank Personal Loan, you can start turning your plans into reality. Whether you want to plan for your dream family vacation, improve your home, or refresh your finances, a loan from us could be more affordable than you think.


Product Overview

Product Name: Equicom Personal Loan
Remarks: With low, flexible and affordable rate
Minimum Amount of Loan: PHP15,000.00
Maximum Amount of Loan: PHP1,000,000.00
Minimum Loan Tenure: 12 months
Maximum Loan Tenure: 48 months
Early Repayment: 5.0% of the remaining principal balance or PHP500.00 whichever is higher

Eligibility and Requirements

Age Range of Borrower: 21-65 years old
Minimum Annual Income: PHP240,000.00
Income Requirement Remarks: Apply for as low as PHP20,000.00 monthly income
Employment / Work Status: Permanent Employee for 0 year / 3 years Business Operations for Self-employed / 3 years of Practice for Professionals / Government Employee for 0 year
Borrower has to have Credit Card: No
Guarantor Required: No
Collateral Required: No
Other Requirements: Office Landline or Home Phone Number
Need to Open Linked Bank Account: No

Application and Approval

Application Channel: Apply through junrix.com
Approval Duration: 5 to 7 banking days
Approval Duration Remarks: Be approved in as early as one week

Fees and Charges/Penalties

Loan Processing and Dispersal Fees: PHP1,500.00 for Employed , PHP2,000.00 for Self-Employed
Early Repayment Penalty: 5.0% of the remaining principal balance or PHP500.00 whichever is higher
Late Payment Penalty: 3.0% per month of the total overdue amount or PHP500.00 whichever is higher